The bad part.

My kids forgot where we were tonight. They had to be dragged out of traffic more than once. More than 20 pedestrians per day are killed here.


I told them that I don’t hit them. But there isn’t a CPS worker or judge or cop in the world who would punish me for spanking them after they walked in front of cars that many times in one night. I literally pulled EC out of the traffic lane seconds before a motorcycle whizzed by where she had been standing on the way to dinner.

We watched a fucking cement truck blow a red light and not even slow down just a minute before you walked in front of a car coming out of a driveway and you didn’t even look.

What. Are. You. Doing.

Spanking is not an effective teaching method in general.

This…. is different. It’s ok for me to instill terror in you of cars. That’s my fucking job. If I have to hit you to prevent you from killing yourself… ok. I don’t want to, but ok.

I did not hit my kids.

I told them, instead, that if they are careless with traffic in any way again we will turn around and walk back to the apartment and they will not leave it again until we go to the airport. Their dad and I will get groceries and they will stay inside.

That seems completely fucking fair.

will have three children when I leave this country. I don’t care if you have a good time.

The place where they ran out into traffic? I watched a man die there yesterday. Kuala Lumpur plays for keeps.

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