woo woo shit

Tarot reading.

I could be pulling this all out of my ass. I asked about where I am and what the near future is going to be about.

First card representing me: King of Rods. I want to be in control. I want to be a spiritual person. I want to be honest and just.

Second card representing what is blocking me: 9 of Swords. Failure, delay and disappointment. Disappointment has been a major word lately.

Third card representing what I hope for: 6 of Swords. A smooth passage from difficulties. Oh boy do I ever hope for that.

Fourth card representing what I have experienced lately: 8 of Pentacles. Craftsmanship and skilled labor etch out financial security. Well. Between Noah and I, hopefully with selling the house we will indeed be basing our future on financial security.

Fifth card representing the influences that are passing away: King of Cups. Compassion and understanding, success in endeavors and peace and contentment. Helpfulness and kindness to others.

Sixth card representing the influences soon to come: The Emperor. Says a mature man with conviction and the ability to execute plans and ideas. Maintain an overview of all situations with stability, control, and reason.

Seventh card representing my attitude towards the future: 3 of Cups. Bountiful outcome with contentment and solace.

Eighth card representing my environment and those tendencies or influences in family and friends who might have bearing on this: The Chariot. A triumphant victory over life’s opposing forces. With difficulties resolved, balance is restored.

Ninth card representing hopes and fears: 4 of Pentacles. Impressed by wealth and power, one clings to material gain for identity.

Tenth card representing the culmination: 8 of Swords. Bound by the dictates of authority, one is unable to free oneself from crisis.

Hm. Interesting.

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