9 months

Her Sweetness went in for her checkup yesterday. 28.5″ tall and 19 lbs 11oz. Yay baby! The pediatrician says that her chin rash is probably from drool and recommends Aquafor with maybe a tiny dab of hydrocortisone. The belly rash she agreed was probably heat rash. The doctor does not see any reason to allergy test and I’m cool with that.

She’s doing everything she should though she isn’t at the front of the pack on development. Neither super advanced nor behind. Head circumference is huge, as usual for my spawn. Height and weight are both 75%+. She’s my shortie. Ha.

I feel so grateful that we had her. A few months of feeling sick and suicidal are so small in the scheme of things. I get to have her forever. She is sweet and cuddly and increasingly willing to sleep independently so I feel far more sane than I did when I just had EC. Ha.

She is enjoying standing with assistance but she isn’t pulling herself up quite yet. She loves to sit and play and she scoots around but she isn’t crawling yet. She is starting to push herself up on all fours and do the rocking pre-crawl motion.

She’s a mouther. Floor candy is going to be a problem.

I got the board books out this week! She is utterly entranced. Sandra Boynton is absolute entertainment. I’m glad I left some out for her while I was packing. This was the perfect time to bring them out. She’s so happy.

I mean, she’s a really happy baby in general. I don’t think she cries for 2 hours total in most weeks. She only indicates distress when she really has to. There’s always a reason that can be found/fixed. Sometimes that reason is “I’m bored and done entertaining myself” but that’s completely valid.

I am really appreciating how watching the big kids with her is showing me sides of them that were previously hidden. They are so considerate and loving and sweet. I love watching the three of them.

I feel lucky all the time that I get to be part of this family. Thank you Noah. This is awesome.


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