If it stops working for us we will do something different

Well. That’s the end of cloth diapers. Our poor baby had a bad diaper rash for over a month. Getting rid of it was terrible. We switched to disposables because we were using big gobs of Aquafor and Hydrocortisone on her with every change (doctor’s advice). When it finally cleared up we switched back to cloth. Less than a week later she’s looking very red but it’s not quite a rash.

Oh fuck it.

This is not such a big deal that I need to stick with it no matter what. Yes, I will hate buying disposables. But on the up side: way easier to pack and deal with laundry.

So I’m going to be passing along my stash. This baby has sensitive skin. She’s sunny and good natured and easy in many ways but her skin is really sensitive. She has to be covered in creams and lotions constantly or her skin gets upset. It’s ok. We all need what we need.

She needs disposable diapers.

3 thoughts on “If it stops working for us we will do something different

  1. Quiet One

    It was the same for Sam. We had a diaper service and his skin was horrible. Every morning he’d be wearing the equivalent of a wet sponge. You’d think he’d wake up and cry like a normal baby but here’s sleep right through it.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      This isn’t from her peeing overnight! We change diapers at night! She’s truly not in wet diapers for more than a few minutes. It’s the poop that is ripping her skin up. 🙁

      1. Quiet One

        Yikes that’s terrible. Also risky for infection. You’re making the right choice, some kids can’t handle the cloth, they just don’t protect the skin enough.


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