Twitch, twitch: money.

As of today all of our bank accounts are linked for transfers. This means that in 3 days I can verify that they are all linked for transfers and start playing financial games. This is terrifying.

We have three checking accounts. Why? Because one is best for international usage (it will flat *work* in more countries… which seems wise…), one is so we can have a safe deposit box (must have an active checking account or no box!), and the other one is so that the kids can continue to have their savings accounts at the bank we have been using for years.

Trying to decide how to shuffle the money around is both daunting and exciting. I feel kind of sick about how much money I am passing around.

I need Noah to help me with Mint for a few minutes and that’s sounding awful. Ugh.

I should go back through and do the “end of year” review for 2018 money. Ha. I have? Had? the screen shots.

This makes my stomach hurt. Handling money for 30 minutes feels like running for 3 hours. I am so tired and stressed.

And I have a bunch of account information to fix with Mint and *panic*. Calm down, Krissy. If this has to be broken up over a week… it’ll be fine. You’ll get it done. With a baby whining on your back. Because that’s the deal.


And I’m looking into medication stuff for Japan. That’s a bit tricky! I have… slightly more Lorazepam than they would prefer I bring, because I need it for Scotland afterwards. I have to pray I don’t get in trouble or get it confiscated. That’s sad. It’s not on their “Fuck you don’t bring it” list… but…

I’m ditching the DayQuil.

Ok, the 529s for the older two kids are now funded. I have not yet opened one for Youngest Child. And… I think I left her SS card in storage so I don’t know if I *can* open one right now. Ok.

I need to quit for today. Our Mint budget is not acceptable. But I can’t do more right now without getting mean.

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