13 months and what do you get?

A baby getting bigger and happier yet. She loves to scribble with pens and pencils. She pushes chairs around the room because she wants to get around but walking is justĀ not quite there yet. She is good at saying when she wants daddy instead of mommy (him being home all the time isĀ so cool.)

She is starting to get picky about food. If she’s not in the mood for something she shakes her head or spits it out. She is saying “Nan” for banana.

She is consistent about nigh-nigh when she is tired.

When she drinks anything she has this satisfied “ahhhhhh”. It is so adorable.

We are not night weaned. Shoot me now.

I backed off of EC entirely because she is Not In The Mood. Ok. Fine. I messed that up with Eldest Child I’m not going to do that again.

18 month clothes either fit absolutely perfectly or they are still a touch big.

I think she is still working on the 8th tooth.

She is starting to play with toys more seriously. She cuddles her baby sometimes. She likes the little animals she has.

She signs milk for “I want” but she does usually mean milk.

She loves the ocean. She will stand up and get her feet buried and hold herself up through waves. It’s super cute. She is very excited about eating sand and letting it move around her fingers.

She is willing to accept taking naps in the stroller, thank goodness. If she weren’t so easy going… I don’t know what we would do.

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