Don’t wanna.

I don’t want to fanatically police behavior. If you know the rule (you get 1 hour of screen time) and you ask to go on a device that won’t shut off automatically… it’s not polite to knowingly stay on until I yell at you.

So fine. You can write lines. “When my one hour of screen time is up it is my responsibility to put the screen down.” (One kid was on a device that shut off automatically. There was zero ambiguity about the passage of time. They both knew. They both stayed on the device that they should have put down.)

When you lie about finishing all of your lines so that you can move on to what you want to be doing…

You can write twice as many lines the next day.


I won’t scream at you. I won’t hit you. But you can rehearse for yourself how you should be acting. This is *literally* what we have been talking about for a week. But you don’t care. Ok fine. Write lines.

And you don’t get screen time again in this country. You can gain access to the iPad again when I bloody well feel like it, not when you ask. It will be used for my convenience not yours. And not having screen access means you can’t read your library books.

Stop. Fucking. With. Me.

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