Coming together.

Someone I used to follow on Twitter was quite scathing about people unpacking in rented digs. She feels people should just live out of the suitcase and not unpack because that is what you do to be childish and play house.

We are unpacked *throw confetti all over my childish display*.

I love settling in. Figuring out where things fit and will go. I have a bit more sorting to do and Noah’s stuff isn’t here yet, but I’m well on my way. I look at the pile of books and think, “Ah… I don’t think more 1/5 of you are leaving the country. Ahhhhh.” But we get to read and enjoy them now! It’s a nice level of pressure.

The kitchen is coming along. The host of the apartment asked for feedback on things that make it better to stay here. I asked for wash cloths, an extra frying pan (used it for breakfast), a tea pot, milk jug and sugar bowl, an additional bin for the kitchen since the building has a spot outside for compost, a mat for in front of the kitchen sink (we had a slip and fall yesterday), and more door stops (the doors forcefully swing closed and that’s gonna hurt Her Sweetness).

I may look for a small metal shelving unit for the closet so that we don’t have to have everything on the floor. That gets old real fast. I’m not going to ask her to pay for that, though.

I felt like I was hitting a fever pitch of anxiety yesterday. I probably *should* have taken a quarter of an Ativan.

Looks like I may be stuck calling taxis every time I need one because I can’t get an app to work from the US store. I can’t get into the UK store without a UK billing address. Oh the things I learn about from travel. Well, I found one that I can book from but they won’t store my credit card because I’m gaijin. Ok. I can cope. I will pay in cash/coins because that’s easy enough.

Speaking of which, I need to spend some time staring at the coins because I can’t pay fast yet. I feel like a little kid again.

I desperately need some rest days where I don’t have to go anywhere and I don’t have to be on my best behavior. That day is not today. Off to do some shopping. (It’s groceries and nappies and stuff like that. I’m not having great fun or anything.) I have done a lot of cleaning up the apartment today. It’s a day of Getting Stuff Done. Which is why my stomach burns and every muscle hurts.

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