Ok, it’s a plan.

We leave here in 6 days. (Less than that because our flight is early.) Luckily the airport here is tiny so for a 10:55am flight I think we should arrive by 9. It’s less than a 20 minute drive so we’ll be out of here at 8:30. Not bad at all. It’ll be about 22.5 hours of travel door to door. And I get to drive on the far side after installing a car seat. Festive!

Maybe. We’ll see. Emailed buddies to ask for help with the car seat. We’ll see if they agree.

We’ll see. That’s kind of my life mantra right now. How will things work out? We’ll see!

5.75 days until we leave. We all feel so sick. This is going to be… something. Ugh. I feel like a horrible person for getting on a plane within a week of feeling this bad but I don’t see what our other option is. We won’t have a place to sleep if we just stay here until we feel better. Changing the flights would be horrifically expensive. We will wear masks.

And wash hands. And use hand sanitizer. The world is a horrible germ infested place.

As bad as I feel about all the things I haven’t gotten done yet… we are getting an absolute ton done.

And the kids agreed to the reading/exercise challenge for the summer. And they like the idea of planning, doing, and reflecting as their writing.

Ok. I’ve got a few months planned. Now just do the things.

Of course I will need to reflect later.

Can you tell I am absolutely simmering with anxiety? Next on the agenda: order some pot to be delivered to my friend in Portland.

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