Party on Sunday

I’ve decided that trying to have a party this weekend is noticeably increasing my stress and I’m unlikely to have that great of a time because I will feel bad about all the ways I feel I have failed. It’s really not worth it right now.

Sorry folks. I suppose it is lucky that not very many people wanted to come.

10 thoughts on “Party on Sunday

  1. rose42dance


    I was also totally looking forward to your party. OTOH, should you opt to reschedule, I can hope to be back to full power. (I’m still recovering from a nasty cold. I’m not dead yet, much better now, and still a bit tired.)

  2. paulaandandrew

    Hey, lady,

    For all the blog reading I’ve done on you I don’t know the answer to this: are you a perfectionist? If so, here is advice (unsolicited, I know) which was passed on to me when I had our first kid. Lower your standards. You will be happier, your kid(s) will be happier, your spouse will be happier.

    As to guests, I’ve long ago concluded they come to see me not to eat like they are at Masa’s or in Martha’s living room.

  3. danaoshee

    *hug* sorry. I was trying to figure out if I had the bandwidth to head up there, but my brain is so fried right now.

    I hope you at least have tasty cookies around you?

  4. ditenebre

    Sorry not to have said anything. I’ve got a lot on my plate right now, including prepping for my final final of the Masters program tomorrow afternoon. We also have final weekend of Dickens this weekend, and I’ve been doing the planning and booking flights and stuff for a family gathering in Oregon over the holidays. And I seem to be coming down with a pre-holiday bout of SADS, partly due to this week’s cold weather, and partly due to other life challenges.

    I do want to take a moment, though, to tell you how much I’ve appreciated reading about how much thought you’re putting into creating family holidays traditions for Shanna, and the thought you’ve been putting into prepping for this party. AND those yummy cookies. You’ve almost managed to spark a little Christmas cheer in me, and I want to thank you for that.


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