Running out of steam… and work!

The refrigerator is installed. We have four boxes of furniture left to build. Our goal is for each grown up to build one piece per weekend day and then we will be caught up. Three more small pieces are due soon, but I am not sure when. Things keep coming faster than expected. The mattresses may be the very last bits.

Otherwise I blasted through most of the work yesterday. By the end of the weekend the house is going to look lives in and basically settled. The remaining stuff we would like to have is all optional and we can wait until we find it cheap at a charity shop.

We even have the vast majority of our Christmas shopping done.

I am caught up on laundry. The machines ran for 14 hours yesterday with one load left for this morning.

I feel so much better. I don’t feel scared I will get in trouble.

We are all still struggling with sleep so I am not interested in being pushy with the council about school placement. They will get back to me and we will get that going at some point. I feel no rush at all. The kids are adapting and given the year they have had this time feels important. We are figuring out what having more space means for us.

Right now the big kids are outside putting together planter boxes to block the gaps under the fence so no babies fall in the burn. I promised I wouldn’t garden for a year and EC had a blast picking out plants she wanted to add to the yard and they both really enjoy gardening. We missed planting this spring. I am glad they get to start making their mark on the property like this.

Both big kids are utterly thrilled to be setting up their own rooms.

Now we tread water for up to five more weeks waiting for the boat stuff. That’s easy.

We went to the park this morning. The weather is lovely. It’s a great day. Now I have a sleeping baby on my lap and lunch is almost ready.

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