Probably not, but what the heck.

Hey parents! I know I don’t usually want advice but I’m feeling mildly anxious so I figure I’ll ask ya’ll about this. Shanna is terribly congested and I feel very bad for her. Is there much that can help her?

On the upside: since she’s been sick (post teething) she has been sleeping 10-11 hours at night and two or three naps adding up to four or five hours of sleep. Her body is obviously working hard on kicking this bug. She hasn’t slept this much in months and months.

16 thoughts on “Probably not, but what the heck.

  1. aargnzarf

    I heartily recommend giving her a good steam :]

    Go in your bathroom, shut the door, run the shower, sit for a few minutes.

    If you do this a few times a day it really really helps.

    Kai has been super sick the last few days (almost had to take him into the ER because he woke up 2 days ago barely able to pull a breath in from congestion) and this has been the biggest help.

    A humidifier in the bedroom can be useful too.

  2. essaying

    One of those little blue rubber snot-sucker thingies helps a bit. That, and run a hot shower and sit with her in the steamy bathroom.

  3. ms_goose_says

    As a mom of two, I agree with all these. I know how stressful those times were for me. Steam, the nasal syringe, having her sleep sitting up if possible all can help.
    Take care of you too.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      drunk posting

      Hi! Who are you and why did you friend me? I’m not trying to be bitchy (even though I succeed pretty often without trying) I’m just curious.

      Martinis are pretty good. Especially dirty vodka martinis. I”m just sayin’.

      1. ms_goose_says

        Re: drunk posting

        I should have sent a message! That would have been more polite. I”m LJ friends with Mistress Matisse and a few others of the Seattle Crew. I think I saw you comment on the bitchy jones post.
        I live in Austin and am part of the scene down here.
        And yes, martinis are DELICIOUS!

        1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

          Re: drunk posting

          Fair enough. I know the Seattle crew because Mr SF is my ex.

          I’m fairly tempted to ask if you know people in the geek crowd down in Austin because my husband’s brothers all live there. 🙂 They are part of the music scene and know a lot of geeks.

          1. ms_goose_says

            Re: drunk posting

            Well, I know people in the improv crowd, the kink and poly crowd…its possible I might have crossed paths with some of your mates. I don’t know a lot of music people though.
            Hope the little one is well!

  4. blacksheep_lj

    I drip some saline in her nose and then bulb suck the snot. She resists, bit it helps SOOO much.

    The other thing Ive tried is Baby Vicks on the soles of her feet, and socks over them. It’s my grandma’s remedy.

      1. blacksheep_lj

        I’m not sure there aren’t other preservatives/lubricants in contact saline. I use plain sterile irrigate solution or there’s a brand called “ocean” that’s made for noses and has the drip top on the bottle.

  5. jamescarrington

    to echo…steam and a snot-remover help. most of the meds intended for this purpose for under-2-year-olds were withdrawn from the market by the FDA a couple of years ago…

  6. rbus

    if the air in the house is especially dry a warm-steam humidifier might help.

    my crazy gramma heidler was a vicks-on-the-feet kinda grrl, too.
    but i don’t know if that really ever did anything but make the kids feet smell.

    i, too vote for a little of the ocean saline from the drug store and the snot sucker.

    my kids despised the saline, not because it hurt them but because your could tell
    they though it was their fucking nose and stay the hell out of it with that shit.

    watch for the most wondrous faces on the kid’s face when you use the bulb.
    i *still* laugh thinking of the reaction of my kids.

    though, cleaning the bulb was kind of a buzz-kill…

    1. blacksheep_lj

      “they though it was their fucking nose and stay the hell out of it with that shit.”

      Precisely. Frogling has the same reaction to saline, booger thefting, and nose wiping. She would simply prefer you stay the fuck away from HER nose, dammit!


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