
I know I posted a Christmas wish list, but really that was just for Noah’s sake. 🙂 What I *really* want for Christmas is for you to send me a picture of yourself that you really like. (And you. And you. And you over there in the back.)

See, I love having pictures up. I think it’s awesome. Mostly at this point I have pictures of Shanna and as nifty as she is, she is hardly the be-all-end-all of my life. If you think I consider you a friend, I want a picture of you. Actual honest-to-Gawd print photos would be my favorite, but if you don’t have a print picture you like of yourself it’s dandy-fine to send me a digital picture and I’ll get off my ass and figure out how to get prints made. (I’m sure it isn’t that hard, I’ve just never done it.)

These pictures can be recent or from the distant past (I have a fondness for the grinning kindergarten pictures). I have a mild preference for a picture from the time I have known you, but it’s only a mild preference. How do you want me to see you? If you want to send me not strictly-G-rated pictures I’ll hang them in my bedroom with the other non-G-rated pictures in my house. 🙂 [uhhh…I’m not asking for pornographic pictures–I mean more like wearing fetish gear or something…]

If you want, you can think of it as a meme. 🙂 [Hey rbus–I would love to know what you look like. If you sent me a picture of that creepy ass Santa I won’t be overly thrilled.]

20 thoughts on “Request

  1. tshuma

    I….huh. I think the only ones I have are the ones I gave to for his birthday present a couple of years back…I don’t have any in in print for at least 10 years before that.

    I’ll see if I can dig up a normal size version of those photos.

  2. masterfiddler

    Alright, ummm, we can do this a couple of ways, as I see it:
    1. You can thumb through my Flickr account for something that lookes vaguely like what you’re after, or
    2. I can send you a few links, and you can tell me which one(s) you like best.

    Either way, I can print them up for you at whatever size you prefer (3×5, 4×6, 5×7, 8×10, other).

    What do you think?

  3. rbus

    go to the closest homeless shelter.
    find the scrawniest old guy with a white beard.
    if he’s strung out on booze or drugs, that’s ok.
    if he’s strung out on booze or drugs *and* raving, that’s better.
    give him a buck to take his picture.

    that’s me.

  4. Anonymous

    Um, what size?

    If I send digital photos, about how large, how many Ks should they be, and how many at that size can your email handle?



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