4 thoughts on “Taking my own advice.

  1. satyrlovesong

    I’ve had to do that a couple of time in the past myself.

    In one case, it was almost hilarious if it wasn’t so tragic. There was this guy I larped with who just pissed me off all the bloody time, pushing all of my buttons without even really trying. I figured he was just clueless, and fairly stupid, so I tried to just ignore him most of the time.

    The problem is, we shared a social group. Occasionally that social group indulged in some alcoholic beverages. When I found myself with my hand around his throat pinning him to the wall, while he sported a significant bulge in his pants and a blissful smile on his face. . . . that was the end of that. Turns out he knew I’d never give him the time of day, but he was a serious masochist with a huge crush on me. Pushing me past my tolerance level was his way of “playing”.

    Needless to say, I haven’t seen the chap in a number of years.


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