It’s the end of the world. (or not)

I get too upset about stupid things. I got all excited about getting my mom’s recipe book and I decided that I was going to make Every Cookie Recipe In It. But you know what? That’s not realistic right now. I am stressing myself out for something really really stupid. It’s time to remember that I am supposedly a grown up and get over this.

My goals need to come down to a more reasonable level. No one expects that I be superwoman except for me. If I say, “You know, I didn’t manage to make your favorite cookies because Shanna kept me busy” no one is going to hate me.

I still feel bad. I’m kind of dumb sometimes.

I don’t like that the tired bear cries. I’m not crying.

8 thoughts on “It’s the end of the world. (or not)

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      You know your wife’s cookie recipe laminated sheet? My mom’s cookie recipes are similar to that in quantity. It’s not like I got a super huge number. 🙂

  1. brjulia

    Don’t know if you know this, but you can trick LJ into having whatever bear is available. Pick the mood from the list that has the bear you like, then type in the mood you have into the “other” box.

    I miss you!

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      I think I just need to switch from the bear. He’s kinda lame. 🙂

      I miss you too! Tim is pressuring me to come back east. (Ok, pressuring is a strong word…) I think that Tim should come here. And you should come here. Then I would win. 🙂 And I’d get to meet the new boy. (See–it’s not fair. I have not even met the new boy.)

  2. blacksheep_lj

    How many cookie recipes would that have been, exactly? I by no means want to diminish your frustrations, but I have to admit giggling at the thought of anyone making ALL of the cookies in any recipe collection in one season EVAR!!!! I’m a rockstar if I can make it through one recipe these days! I think even Martha Stewart would have to question the wisdom of that as a goal!

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      My mom makes all of these cookies every Christmas. These are our “Christmas cookies”. So I consider it a reasonable goal in general, just not one I can live up to with the time constraints and with having a baby.


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