Good party, mellow weekend.

Last night we went to Winter Bash and had a good time. I’m not as social at these events as I possibly could be because I don’t know many people. But I really like the people I do talk to. Miss Jenny took pity on me and danced with me. It was very awesome of her. I was feeling bad because I couldn’t remember any of the ECD stuff at all but she went and got her ipod during a break and we did swing dancing and waltzed instead. Miss Jenny wins! I should bring her extra cookies soon as a reward. 🙂 I was also given pictures! Both from Miss Jenny and from Master Fiddler himself. whoo hoo!

On the drive home Noah and I talked about people (as we are wont to do). One of our biggest focuses this time was Master Fiddler. We talked about how good a job he does at creating an environment where everyone who comes to his house can feel at home even if they are rare visitors who don’t know many people. We talked about the specific things he does that create this vibe. Then we went on to discussing his place in the group in general. I mention this here because part of the crux of the conversation was about how much importance I place on the word “Master”. It’s cause of that history in the bdsm world. I take the word “Master” rather freakin seriously and you have to *earn* it. He really has. Not just because of his exceptional musical talent, but through the way in which he is absolutely the default answer for how things go musically for a rather lot of people. It was pretty nice to think in detail about how rocking he is. I like knowing people who have truly become a Master.

And we talked a lot about Noah’s job. It looks like he is going to spend a lot of time working so I am even more glad that we are not having a party. Instead we will be staying home and I’ll be puttering as usual and he will be working. It’s like we jumped right to Monday. I’m sure he will take extra breaks for cuddling though and that will be nice. My daughter just woke up so I will go play with her now. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Good party, mellow weekend.

  1. masterfiddler

    Wow. Thank you. We really try to go out of our way to make this place a welcoming, safe place for people to be. I like that so many people make the effort to get here, and yes, I know it’s an effort to get here. I want them to have a good time when they arrive, whether it’s through food, music, popcorn & movies, hot tub, conversation, sitting and reading a book, or whatever.

    The funny thing (to me, anyway) about the term “Master Fiddler” is that I didn’t necessarily choose it. It’s how other people referred to me around LJ for about a year before I even had an account, because people are really good about not using names unless they know they have permission to do so. I lurked for a long time, because it was a way to keep up with what my friends were doing. When I realized there was such a thing as Friend Locking, that was about the time I went ahead and got an account (April 2007). Since other people kept calling me that, it made sense to see if it was available, and it was. (*Grin*)


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