I don’t know what happened to me.

I made brownies for a friend’s party coming up. They are gluten free! 🙂 I’m having trouble not eating them. I’m going to go package them up so I’m less tempted.


7 thoughts on “I don’t know what happened to me.

  1. aneska_

    They sound good. Are they from a box or do you have a recipe? I am having to try to cut out most of the wheat out of my diet. So if it was a recipe, I would be interested if you are willing to share. 🙂

    1. bldrnrpdx

      Bob’s Red Mill makes a pretty good gluten-free brownie mix. A lot of the New Seasons/Whole Foods type places carry it, and I just found it at my Fred Meyer/Kroger’s recently. They make GF chocolate chip cookie mix too.

  2. medijupiter19

    Nursing? I’ve had the weirdest cravings since my daughter was born, too. Not only am I hungrier than ever (which makes it difficult to stay within points range), but I crave different foods than before.


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