Whine bitch moan (you’ve been warned)

Ok, so I’m having issues with clothing. As of this morning I own (for shirts) bdsm con t-shirts (not exactly universally appropriate but I’m wearing them at home and they are starting to wear out), t-shirts advertising Santa Teresa which I now feel sort of ambiguously about, tank tops, a couple of fancy shirts (velvet, lots of lace), and three snarky t-shirts rapidly on their way to wearing out (one had five noticeable holes in it the last time I looked).

But but… my body is in flux I don’t wanna spend money on clothes I won’t wear long! So I decided to STFU and went to Target and got a few shirts today. They are all very generic and plain and suitable for any and all occasions. I bought a couple new sweaters because I wear them constantly in the winter and most of the ones I own right now have large holes in them. I keep thinking I should learn how to knit well enough to fix the big holes in my sweaters, but that’s not something I am really going to do in the short term and I don’t wear sweaters anymore once I can put my fist through the hole. I also found a few pair of leggings that will allow me to wear skirts all winter long. w00t! But I feel bad about spending money on clothing. Amusingly, Noah cheers when I come home with new clothes cause it means he won’t have to hear me bitch about the holes in my clothes anymore. 🙂 I think I need to resign myself to filling out a wardrobe in this size because I plan to get pregnant again and it’s looking like I’m not going to be the sort who drops weight rapidly while breastfeeding. I should also move the things out of my closet that “will fit if I lose 10-15 lbs” because then I feel like I *have* clothes even though they don’t fit. Screw that. I need to fess up to myself that I don’t really have many clothes right now. I need to buy more so that I can put the maternity stuff away and not wear it out.

I know I whine about this regularly. I am slowly taking steps to fix the problem. I swear. It’s just hard for me. Spending money on clothing for me seems really lame for no good reason.

9 thoughts on “Whine bitch moan (you’ve been warned)

  1. danaoshee

    It’s not the money that keeps me from shopping…it’s the fact that I can almost never find anything in stores that I want to wear.
    Same result, though, I don’t shop until I wear out my clothing. I have like 4 shirts I wear all week and 2 pairs of jeans and barely wear anything else, and I don’t really love any of it, and I still don’t want to go shopping.:p

  2. essaying

    What size are you looking for? I’ve got two Hefty bags full of clothing down in my spare room waiting for a garage sale or something. Mostly 16s and 18s, a few smaller, a few bigger. Shirts, slacks, sweaters, etc… a lot of them discarded because of grease spots or some such, but still fine for wearing around the house. You’re welcome to come over and paw through them at your leisure. (Also a few pairs of shoes, mostly 8-1/2 B or C.)

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      I’m in the no-womans-land between 14misses and 14womens. XL stretch pants work fine, some 16’s are too tight others are tents. I have extremely heavy thighs in relation to my waist. I am wearing larges on top.

      So I’m willing to bet your clothes wouldn’t fit. Thank you for the offer though.

  3. bldrnrpdx

    Is there a way to alter some of the clothes you have or can get from friends at thrift stores? I’ve seen some alterations that let you have a range of sizes. One thing that came to mind was a t-shirt that someone put two columns of grommets in down each side, under the sleeve. Then they put long shoelaces in and cinched up the shirt. Or butchering two large sweaters to make one stylish sweater. And I’ve got a skirt I found at a thrift store that’s a 2 XL, which is much larger than I wear, but I liked the pattern so much I’ve put a couple of safety pins into the waistband to make the waist small enough I can wear it. The waistband is elastic, so I’ve still got room for adjustments without having to take the safety pins out.
    I’m thinking that even if you aren’t enormously interested (or handy – I don’t make any presumptions here), you have friends who are crafty, creative and interested in helping out. Maybe you can take some of those donations or have someone go thrifting with you and turn them loose on the clothing.

  4. sillymesaysme

    I recently got rid of a ton of clothes in the “If I go down a size of two” category. I finally rationalized it as “I will reward myself with new, and better clothing if/when I lose the weight.” The hole in that theory is that I hate shopping for clothes. But still.


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