
I was thinking about how things become associated with another person. I won’t be able to get all of mine in this list, but here are a few:
English muffin with blueberry jelly = James
Long clingy rayon nightgowns = Brittney (I used to borrow one from her when I went to visit. It was the coolest thing ever.)
Brussels sprouts = Ali
Really sweet late harvest Rieslings = Anna
Driving slow in the fast lane = Debbie
“Where I come from” by Alan Jackson = Bailey
Fast cars = Tom
Ice cream, hedonism, speech ticks = Noah
Naked slacking = Sarah
Macaroni and cheese with tomato soup = Miss Jenny
Spice cake = Miss Sara
Chocolate = Anthony
“No one can make you feel anything” & “Generous”= Deborah (Yeah, but they can make me a sandwich!)

There are many more, but Shanna woke up and is wiggling. I like how many reminders of my friends I have in my life.

5 thoughts on “Associations

  1. i_am_dsh

    I had a LOL moment in the car on the way to Ren Faire this morning because of what you wrote.

    1) You are SO correct to associate chocolate with Anthony.

    2) I hope they DO make you a sandwich.

    3) If only people were more generous, the world would be a much happier place.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      I keep losing your email address.

      I’m talented. 🙂

      What nights do you tend to end up down this way? I have class on Monday and Wednesday but otherwise I have lots of free time. It would be awfully nice to see you. 🙂

  2. Anonymous

    I drive slow in the fast lane?

    I drive slow in the fast lane?


    I do try really hard to keep within the speed limit, especially if I am not in a hurry. But I usually stick to the second slow lane, unless if there is a car in front of me in that lane.

    …? Remind me! 🙂


    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Re: I drive slow in the fast lane?

      Yes. We have gotten into big arguments more than once because people are passing you like mad on the right and you sit in the fast lane doing 64. It drives me crazy.

      I love you anyway!

      1. Anonymous

        Re: I drive slow in the fast lane?

        On the right… on the right….

        sorry, trying to picture the driving lanes in the country of which we speak… I don’t drive in this country, and I always have to look both ways sometimes since I’m not sure which direction the traffic is moving, and I spent so long in Upside Down Land that I’m trying to figure out the Right Lane……. would be the slower lanes. Right. So I should have left them at least one lane on the left to pass with. Got it.



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