Just noticing

I met Noah just shy of four years ago. (It’ll be four years in another week or so.) He asked me to marry him ~ 23 months ago, so close enough to two years. Besides, even that time period where I wasn’t dating him I was still obsessed with him and writing g-blog entries about how in love with him I was.

I’m still giddy when I see him. I pine for him if he works too long on a given day. We still talk for hours and hours and hours about nothing at all. Pregnancy complications aside, I’m still madly in lust with him.

Is this still NRE? Or is this just our relationship? I don’t take him for granted. I’m soooooooo grateful that I have him.

I win.

10 thoughts on “Just noticing

  1. paulaandandrew

    Definitely not only NRE –

    Guess what? Even after a long, long time I still thrill when Andrew comes back into the house, am glad when he finishes work for the day, and we still connect best in bed.

    So good news: you may still have those feelings years from now! You definitely win, girl! Do what you can to keep the lines of communication up and running.

  2. japlady

    Don’t think its NRE cause you two really are a good fit and most likely it already begun transitioning into something far more lasting back about the time of the motorcycle accident, but SINCE YOU ASKED!!!!! according to the medical studies I’ve read on the science of love, that lasts about 4 years so if it were you would be starting to tire of him about now.

  3. rbus

    i remember some of those posts,
    don’t i?

    i definitely remember being glad when you finally got married.
    and they would stop.

    but i was wrong.
    they just continue on and on and on…


  4. bldrnrpdx

    I’d always understood NRE to last about 12-18 months (and damn, if some of my relationships didn’t break up right on schedule). It’s been on my mind lately because the daddy/boyfriend and I are celebrating 18 months together next week. It’s my longest relationship since the divorce. And we’re still all sorts of goofy (a friend calls us “dorktastic”. We still haven’t gone more than three days without at least talking on the phone, and never more than a week without seeing each other (with two exceptions for travel, and even then it was only a day or two longer). I can spend all weekend with him, and then get to missing him terribly Sunday night and need a phone call to get me through to Monday morning.


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