Stir crazy

I think I am starting to have cabin fever. I went from a job where I saw at least 100 people a day to not interacting with anyone but Noah for days on end. I really like Noah, don’t get me wrong, but I can tell that I am wearing him out. I need too much attention. The problem is, I don’t really know what to do about it. I have tried scheduling dinner with someone and due to her having a severely impacted schedule and me having a few random things on my schedule (I’m busy 2, maybe 3 nights in a week) I’m not seeing her till the 29th. That isn’t feeling helpful at the moment. I don’t feel comfortable asking people to do things for some reason. All of the more ‘drop in’ social events don’t seem like a good idea. My friends groups revolve around dancing, sex, or drinking… none of which I am particularly up for at the moment. It doesn’t help that the idea of going to someone’s event means driving for a really long time so I can sit in the corner at the event and not really talk to people. I’ve noticed that most social events I only know 20%-30% of the people there and I am just not up for the emotional pull of trying to be outgoing and charming. That is hard for me. I’m not good at it.

It doesn’t help that by the time I hit the point where I am I am so completely overwhelmed by the base amount of effort of going out that I can’t bring myself to ask for help or for someone to met me halfway. I don’t have the energy for lots of effort and I don’t know how to have any other kind of interactions with people.

7 thoughts on “Stir crazy

  1. labelleizzy

    now, you guys have already moved out of the Disaster House, yes?
    depending on where you are living, put out a call for a “tea party” or a byo potluck, or what have you.

    host people. sometimes its the only way i get to see some of my friends – open my house and say “come over if you like”. It’s been fairly satisfying.

  2. bluegreysky

    Above is a good suggestion, especially if you make it clear that you’re not hosting hosting– “Bring yourselves, bring some food, bring music and games, and be prepared to clean up after your own damn selves.” I imagine playing the pregnancy card will be useful in getting people to go along with that=) Movie nights can be a good idea too– low impact hosting, less pressure to be outgoing and charming, but ya still get people around you. Campy classics are good, lots of room for audience participation. Just some thoughts=)

    Also, I feel you. I’m an essentially shy person, and it takes a lot of effort for me to be “social,” especially when I need it the most. Jobs with high interaction work well for me for that reason– it’s a lot of human contact without that emotional stress. So, yeah. And I live far away from everyone, which means that everyone’s response is “come visit me!”– better than nothing, but it still involves a lot of time and cost and effort on my end. So, ::hugs::, and I hope you get what you need=)

  3. flotsomnjetsom

    Birth & Parenting Prep Classes?

    Have you enrolled in a birth prep class yet? Are you involved in any expecting parents groups? The classes I took at Sage Femme helped because I was meeting other first time expectant parents. The actual book knowledge from our Bradley class? Not so much. Spending time with other people who were making the same transition into parenthood that I was? Very worth the effort of making it to the classes.


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