Not what I expected.

I took the advice of my therapist and a good friend. I did what I wanted for my birthday. It happened yesterday. It was fucking fabulous. No, ya’ll don’t get to know what it was. 😛 Ok, James and Chris know, but they have to keep their mouths shut.

I will tell you that Noah is the best husband ever for making me hand drawn “I will do ….” coupons. They are sweet and adorable and show a lot of work and consideration about what *I* actually want. Have I mentioned I married the right boy?

And! As a sorta birthday/really Christmas present to both of us–we booked a Disney cruise for Christmas vacation. We’re going to Disney World!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

So. Fucking. Excited.

And tired. And hung over. Today I will smile wanly and not be my normal fireball self. That’s fine. 3/5 periods are doing research in the library. It’s almost like I planned for this…

16 thoughts on “Not what I expected.

  1. mystrangedelite

    I’m so glad that you had a happy day doing whatever it was that you did. 😉

    You are so lucky to have a husband like Noah, K/L. The hand-drawn coupon thing is just so precious and sweet, and really reflects an interest in creating a birthday that you will find special.


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