
My job is always extremely demanding. Teaching an honors class has made that worse.
I’m also the technology “mentor” at this point because my coworkers are fucking morons and can’t figure out how to work basic websites. This means a bunch of people pestering me constantly.
Academic detention is driving me batty. I’m feeling quite tempted to just ignore the Fs for the rest of the year. If you come in and want to make up your grade, fine. But I can’t keep pushing people to do the work. It makes my life suck.
I can’t be the repository of all the problems of all the kids right now. I’m too tired and worn out. I have nothing left to give them.
I’m dropping all involvement with clubs. I need to spend my lunches staring off into space, not going to meetings.
I am going to drop some of the essays I had planned to give the honors class. I simply cannot spend 10 hours grading essays every three weeks. I can’t do it. Not on top of all the rest of the grading and prep.
I am not helping much with the TNG con. I feel horrible for dumping it on Jon, but I can’t do more than I am doing. 🙁
I’m supposed to be doing research on getting the house remodeled. Right now I am kicking myself for not getting this done last summer.
I’m not seeing my friends much. I’m doing a little bit of it because I feel like I *should* but I find myself feeling resentful of the energy output even as I am glad to see people. I am tired of having to leave by 8:30 because I feel like shit. It’s not like I can say, “Hey–let’s hang out during the weekend day” either because I’m always fucking working.
Hormones are kicking in and I want to cry a lot of the time. I feel so overwhelmed that I want to just give up. Why am I doing all this shit again?
I can’t have sex like I want to because I feel shitty all the time and I know that must be having a negative effect on my overall attitude and emotional state.

I don’t know what is going to give, but something has to.

10 thoughts on “Dying.

  1. satyrlovesong

    *soft mamabear hugs*

    Yes, it’s time to re-prioritize. You have the right, and the responsibility. From this point on, until your child is safely launched into the world (and maybe not even then) you’ll have a greater responsibility to your progeny and spouse than to anyone else.

    You’ve taken on a lot of responsibilities. Some of them you probably have to either shuffle along with or delegate. Others you can postpone. You need to make sure you balance yourself, dear one, and not try to overdo things.

    Your friends are going to love you and support you, even if you fall asleep on them at 8 pm. Really really. This would be an EXCELLENT time in your life to let others do for you. I realize that’s not easy for you, but sometimes you just have to suffer through some cossetting.

    The feeling shitty and not up to sex I can’t help you with, but it should pass in time. *hugs* Stiff upper lip and all that rot? A good cry? A righteous venting session? Whatever makes things better.

    Take care, and know we’re listening and supportive.

    1. angelbob

      I’ve been doing that, but less just lately — I had a badly tweaked wrist for non-massage-related reasons, and intentionally reduced the pressure on it for a bit. Sadly, many achy areas are places I need to be very careful of or stay away from completely according to various massage-and-pregnancy authorities, who seem to have widely varying opinions and no data to back them up.

      1. kbgilmore


        I was always taught that I should never do a full massage during the first trimester. I have passed that advice down, but actually, I don’t have any hard evidence as to WHY it’s contraindicated. I have just always avoided pressure on the abdomen when I did do it during the first trimester.

        1. angelbob

          Re: Yeah.

          If it helps, I don’t just mean you 🙂

          I took a class on prenatal massage at the same place that trained me, and they were pretty similar. Their primary advice was basically “avoid doing much in the first trimester because miscarriages are common then and you don’t want to get blamed”.

          They had a few specific suggestions, but mostly their advice was “wedge to tilt them during the second trimester, side-lying massage during the third trimester” as far as actual technique goes.


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