Running on empty

I have worked 41 hours in the past 3 days. I have 24 hours of training over the next 3 days and grading to do.

My house is messy. It is stressing me out.

I keep freaking out about personal things that I shouldn’t freak out about. I’m such a mess.

I feel like I am drowning right now. I know things will get better, but getting through the next couple of weeks is going to be brutal.

I keep getting angry about things and people in my personal life. I kind of like that I get to hide behind my job and not deal with people. There are a few people in particular right now whom I would cheerfully bash over the head with a pool stick. It isn’t so much what they have done as just that they exist and I am sick of dealing with them. Unfortunately, said activity would have negative repercussions on my social life. Fuck.

4 thoughts on “Running on empty

  1. ribbin

    If you can’t beat them, arrange to have them beaten.
    I’ve got some second-degree mafia connections lieing around I think, and certainly a few biker connections. Let me know if you need help:)

  2. blacksheep_lj

    Hang in there, kiddo. The first year sucks filthy stinky monkey balls, but you’re a rock star, and you’re doing great. It’ll be ok. And the occasional bludgeoning is really quite fair game.


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