Random update

I love my husband. He’s always pushing me to be better. He is willing to listen when I try to encourage him to be better.

Lots going on inside my head that I desperately want to talk about and I don’t have time or words. I so madly want to be able to figure this stuff out and I don’t think that will happen for a while.

7 thoughts on “Random update

  1. blacksheep_lj

    I love that you have such a great relationship with your husband. It’s pretty frickin’ awesome and amazing to think about where you are right now after the last couple of years. You deserve to have this. If you get the time to share, I’m happy to listen. Wish we could spend some time chatting in person.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      I’ve spent a fair bit of time lately wondering how in the hell I got here from where I have been. I called Puppy and told him I am married. He was… uhm… not overly warm. But then again, a year ago that relationship was on it’s way down at a prodigious rate. It’s all crazy.

  2. i_am_dsh

    Happy for you about the happy marriage.
    Happy to talk to you sometime, too – if our schedules could mesh.

    I still have a spare part for that sewing machine. Maybe that could be the excuse.


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