You think you’re living on the edge, but I think you’re hanging from a ledge

I’ve been on a real song kick lately. There are a handful of songs that I am listening to over and over. Kerosene, What About Georgia, Not Ready To Make Nice… All really good and interesting. But yeah. That’s an aside.

What I really want to post about is some of the lessons marriage is teaching me.

I am better off sleeping by the wall instead of the edge of the bed because that way I don’t kick my blanket off the bed. (This has just not been a problem before and I’m not sure why it has been lately.)
Everyone is happier if we have ice cream in the house.
It’s ok to say that something is hurting me without it meaning that he is bad and he understands that. It’s ok to say I’m not feeling happy.
It’s not a bad thing for us to have separate dinners.
He really is ok with going to bed early with me.
Maybe he does actually like me after all.

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