Disturbing trends and dodged bullets.

I am soooo tired all the time that we have been going to bed earlier and earlier. This means we are waking up at 4 am more often. I’m really not thrilled with this process. Although we both love the time to sit and talk and cuddle it is getting ridiculous that I am falling asleep at 7pm. If I continue the trend I will be going to bed as soon as I get home from work at 4 and getting up at midnight. Hey! Maybe I can have a nightlife again! *shake head*

We had dinner with Tom last night. He wants to borrow a helmet and we certainly have extras sitting around. It was an interesting experience. I had sseveral uncharitable thoughts, which I won’t share because many of his friends read this, but overall my impression was relief that I ended that relationship. We really weren’t right for each other. I still think he is a good person and I like him, but we are such an incredibly bad match. In the course of the conversation the only question he asked about my life in any way was, “So, what subject do you teach?” which is about as impersonal as it gets. I have barely spoken to him in the past two years. All he asked was what subject I teach? Granted, I didn’t exactly get into nitty gritty details about all of his personal life, but I asked about his family and mutual friends, and his business, and experiences we used to share in order to get a sense of what he has been doing with his life. He really doesn’t care what has happened in my life. I don’t hate him for it and I don’t think he is even a bad person, but his lack of empathy is really something I don’t handle well in a personal relationship. When we got home I looked at Noah and hugged him fiercely. He was the first person to really want to see me. He still wants to know more about me than anyone else does.

God I’m grateful. For once, maybe I made the right call.

I need an icon of Noah. Hmmmmm.

7 thoughts on “Disturbing trends and dodged bullets.

  1. dorjejaguar

    Hmm, yah. I tend to think that not asking anything about me is a bad sign in a “close” relationship.
    Couple years back I went and spent some money to go visit a friend who lived outta town for a few days and he didn’t ask once how I was or had been, instead just downloaded loads of petty frustrations of his (expecting me to help him sort through it, which I did). But not once did he ask anything about me.
    And that visit showed me the begining of the end. Not friends anymore, he and I and I am GLAD.
    Of course you made the right call with the Noah. You’ve been much happier since. So I noticed. I’m glad you have him.

    Oh, maybe you can take like an hour nap when you get home and have Noah wake you then. If it’s 45 minutes to an hour it’s supposed to be refreshing but more will pull you into the whole sleep cycle and then of course you wake at 4 in the morning.

      1. dorjejaguar

        I understand. That one certainly made it hard for me. But he gave me other reasons too, not that just pertained to me. He’d become an elitist snob over time. It was embarrassing to watch. He seemed to think he was smarter than all his friends which was demonstrably not the case.
        Well there were lots of reasons. He’d become vapid. So he gave me enough reasons but recognizing em took some time cause I’d known him so long. Guess I was expecting him to be who he used to be. ~shrug~
        I’m sorry this ones hard for you hon.
        It’ll pass.
        I came across some research the other day that said that while we think the loss of a friendship will have a big impact on us two or three months down the line it stops affecting us.
        Thought that was interesting.
        I do love having friends but if that friend becomes a person I don’t even like and whose behaviour in the world I can’t honestly support, it seems the point is lost. Time to move on then.
        Take care sweet girl.

  2. lady_phoenixice

    I think you made the right call, I thought so the moment noah told me you two were married. 🙂 I think you’re great for eachother…

    As far as an icon of Noah? I vote for a Pirate Face Icon *grin* j/k

    I hope you have more luck falling asleep later and sleeping in a bit… Maybe try having a coffee on your way home from work…?

  3. genderfur

    I have “friends” like that – where I do all the asking & inquiring. Partly I contribute to it, I know, because I’m so conscious about being talktalktalkative that I hold back so as to not dominate the conversation. But damn, I really wish that some people would ask *me* the questions I’m asking *them*.


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