Meme continued

I was told I have to do S now. Damnit.

1. Sex. Duh.
2. Stories. I love being told about other peoples’ lives. It makes me very happy.
3. Strawberries. I came to this love later in life. When I was little I wouldn’t eat them unless they were massively coated in sugar.
4. Singing. But not many people will ever get to hear me because I am horribly self-conscious. My brother telling me I sucked all through childhood left its mark.
5. Shapes of letters. All of my life I have had a weird habit of tracing the shapes of letters with my eyes. I do this obsessively.
6. Snuggling. Oh baby I loves me the snuggling.
7. Stability. More than anything I want stability. I feel like I am poised for having it at this point, but it isn’t real yet.
8. School. It’s weird, but I feel more comfortable in a learning environment than anywhere else.
9. Submission. If you don’t know why I love this then I shouldn’t tell you.
10. Soup. More than any other generic category of food, I love soup. Mmmmmm it’s so comforting

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