K L G:
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing on 2/9/2007 issued you the following document:
Preliminary Single Subject Teaching Credential
Document Number: 070131600
Issuance Date: 02/06/2007
Expiration Date: 03/01/2012
Authorized Subjects: English
That’s all one long line with a <pre> tag so it can’t wrap.
Would you remove the pre tag or break it up into shorter lines?
should be fixed
yay you!!
yay you! congratulations.
Yay you!
Huzzalujah! Feels great, doesn’t it?
Funny thing, that. I completed everything — did my student teaching, got stellar marks on the NTE (does anyone pay attention to that anymore?) — but never sent off the $15 to get that piece of paper from the state (for various “taking a stand” reasons that I won’t get into here, but seemed appropriate then). There have been plenty of times, since, when I’ve realized I probably shoulda.
see how smart you are?
amazing things happen when you do the chess club!