No doom or gloom today

This morning God kissed me on the forehead. Today I believe, at least a little, that I don’t suck. That things will be ok.

It’s weird. I never know what kind of day it is going to be. I wish I had more control over my emotions.

Lots of my friends are going through similar or worse bad stuff right now. I hope God kisses your foreheads today as well.

I’m not quite *cheerful* but I’m at least not crying or feeling depressed. It’s a start; I’ll take it.

14 thoughts on “No doom or gloom today

  1. japlady

    I actually have a suggestion. I once studied to be a voice dialoge facilitator. Doing voice dialoge is a form of therapy ala pre-freudian theory (the talking cure which a guy came up with before freud) where you take your self into your various ‘voices’ (silly, young, mom, princess, whatever) and figure out when they developed and in response to what, in order to get them under control.

    I found this part pretty useless for me. However, I trained to facilitate these sessions, and THAT I found profoundly useful. A facilitator has to meet other people’s voices, help bring them out and maginfy them so the person being facilitated can more fully go into them, and then the facilitor is responsible for controling the voice and bringing the person back to center. This means you can’t get caught up in there stuff nor get all responsible to their stuff. It really helped me develope something I’d never really had till then which was the abiltiy to have a “chairman of the board” to my own emotions which could step in and say, “yah I know you want to take control right now, I get why you want to do it, I’ll deal with it, but you aren’t in control I am”

      1. japlady

        What I’m suggesting is NOT being facilited, but being a facilitator. You aren’t working your own issues you are helping folks work theirs. Its like going to the gym for emotional control

      2. japlady

        What I’m suggesting is NOT being facilited, but being a facilitator. You aren’t working your own issues you are helping folks work theirs. Its like going to the gym for emotional control

  2. japlady

    I actually have a suggestion. I once studied to be a voice dialoge facilitator. Doing voice dialoge is a form of therapy ala pre-freudian theory (the talking cure which a guy came up with before freud) where you take your self into your various ‘voices’ (silly, young, mom, princess, whatever) and figure out when they developed and in response to what, in order to get them under control.

    I found this part pretty useless for me. However, I trained to facilitate these sessions, and THAT I found profoundly useful. A facilitator has to meet other people’s voices, help bring them out and maginfy them so the person being facilitated can more fully go into them, and then the facilitor is responsible for controling the voice and bringing the person back to center. This means you can’t get caught up in there stuff nor get all responsible to their stuff. It really helped me develope something I’d never really had till then which was the abiltiy to have a “chairman of the board” to my own emotions which could step in and say, “yah I know you want to take control right now, I get why you want to do it, I’ll deal with it, but you aren’t in control I am”


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