Evil speaketh its name

And it is… Procrastination.

I swear to god I have made a lot of progress today. It’s just not super easy to see because I am a dork and I get stuck in small details. *sigh* I went over to Ikea today looking for a few specific things and then realized that I didn’t know what sizes/colors I needed so the trip was kind of silly. But I wandered around and got ideas. Then I went to Target for big plastic containers. I didn’t buy too many because I wasn’t sure how things were going to shake out. I came home and realized I need a bunch more. S’ok. Buying more is easier than returning stuff I don’t need.

Cleaning house is a pain when I don’t want to do much with Noah’s stuff without him around. I don’t yet actually feel comfortable just going through his stuff without him present. I’m sure I’ll get over it. 🙂 But at Target, in honor of telling Noah that I would actually marry him (so far I’ve been saying maybe) I bought a wedding organizer and promptly almost had a panic attack. Jesus Christ. Am I actually doing this?! Looks like I am. Alright. Suck it up and get through it. (For the record: the scary part is the wedding, I’m looking forward to being married.) So now I am procrastinating mightily because I just pissed off my back by trying to move the monstrous filing cabinet without help. Sometimes my impatience is counter productive.

Things to deal with in the next few months:
Start actual wedding plans.
Remodel the house.
Put together at least two more unit plans before the start of school so that I walk in with a full year plan for juniors and a good start on… whatever else they give me. (WHOO HOOO! Just checked work email. I have three classes of Juniors and two classes of comp/lit. They are the low performing/behavior problem kids. I’m really excited! No really–I asked for them. 🙂
Get ready for Burning Man.
Am I helping organize TNG4?! Scary thought. It’s been brought up and discussions are starting… that will be decided in the next month probably.
Oh dear lord. I think that is going to be enough to eat my brain for the next year. Good thing I’m plucky!

(Travel stuff coming soon… I swear.)

15 thoughts on “Evil speaketh its name

      1. cyranocyrano

        I saw the ‘I don’t trust him enough’ bit, then the ‘I’m coming home’ and then ‘conversational studmuffin’…
        But I’m a guy, and not good with the subtle.

  1. angelkatharine

    In my experience, wedding planning combined with a job/school is more that enought to eat one’s brain and one’s life. I think you’re nuts. It’s the good kind of nuts, but still…:)

      1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

        There is a problem in the bathroom that is going to need to be ripped out. So we are thinking about changing the shape of the whole front of the house. It’s going to be a serious pain in the ass. And if you hadn’t noticed the carpets are disgusting and I think the dirty, stained white walls need to go. 🙂

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Re: Unasked for resource

      Depending on how the scouting mission goes on Sunday it looks like we may be using a friend’s property up near Boulder Creek. Acres and acres of redwoods. I’m terribly excited.

  2. sirkenandsubg

    Glad to see you made it home safe and sound, and congrats on the impending nuptials. My biggest piece of advice is to make the whole process fun. Do what you guys want, and savor every minute, because no matter how far off it is, it will be gone before you know it. Seems like yesterday we got engaged, and we’re married 9 months already.

    – K


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