Not dying

The doctor said: “Worst case scenario this is strep throat. It is probably just a nasty virus. There are some unpleasant bugs floating around and a couple of doctors are out sick.”

She did tests and will call me with the results. HA! I was SO RIGHT. Told you people I should just suffer. heh

13 thoughts on “Not dying

  1. genderfur

    “should just suffer”? what the hell does that mean? Did it mean, perhaps “no I shouldn’t go to the emergency room”?

    Anyway, whatever. I hope for your sake that it is strep, because that can be treated. (But I’ve had it twice and do not envy you.) Note that you might have some kids out sick next week…

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      What it means is the doctor said, “Go home and rest and drink fluids. Ibuprofen and a heating pad may help.” So basically there isn’t much I can do other than just wait it out. In my pithy way that sounds an awful lot like, “Go suffer.”

        1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

          Maybe I just don’t understand your tone. Do you mean to sound bitchy or am I just reading that wrong. Cause you know, last I checked–drinking fluids and sitting on my ass and taking Ibuprofen hasn’t helped much so far but it is all that I can do. I don’t really think that makes me full of anything.

          1. genderfur

            I’m meaning to sound mildly peeved, but not bitchy. You’re saying that all you can do is suffer, and that’s not true, (but after I was so sick last weekend I certainly know how it feels to be sick and feel like the whole world is stepping on my head).

            I’ve had a not-great morning, and it’s affected my tolerance levels. I shouldn’t have written at all, but now that I have: It’s hard for me to see you complain about being sick, and yet push away sympathy and suggestions and offers of help. I’ll have to cope with that myself, though. I can skip your posts; last I checked, nobody is holding a gun to my head.

            In the meantime, please remember your doctor’s suggestion of a heating pad (or some other form of warmth). It really can make a difference. My microwave-flaxseed-warmy thing really helped me last weekend.

          2. Krissy Gibbs Post author

            Thank you for the clarification.

            I have a lot of baggage tied up with being sick and not feeling well. I have even more crap with going to the doctor. According to my mother you should be half dead, noticeably bleeding, or with an obvious broken bone–other than that you suck it up. I got told a lot when I was little that I was just being a hypocondriac so when I am sick and whining about it mostly what I want is to be told that it is ok that I am unhappy about being sick. I still feel really bad when I go to a doctor and get told it is something minor because that means my mom is right and I am just a ridiculous whiner.

            This leads to a love/hate thing with my friends telling me to go to the doctor. I have had friends forcibly drag me to the doctor and it turned out to be a Good Thing because it was a noticeably advanced illness and I was hurting myself long term. But when someone tells me to go to the doctor and it ends up being no big deal I feel like I’m kind of pathetic for having whined enough to make it sound serious when it isn’t. I think that my comment today was mostly me trying to feel better that I wasn’t really thinking I was all that bad. It means *I* wasn’t going overboard in thinking I was more ill than I am. I guess it didn’t come out well though.

            Also- per suffering, my mom will use the word in a mocking fashion sometimes. So when I use it for myself I’m kind of making fun of me for whining about feeling bad. But you don’t know that. And I came down on you for it. I’m sorry.

    1. waltzingmatthea

      “As far as I’m concerned, strep *is* serious.”

      It can be quite serious medically – I had it pretty badly twice last fall/winter, so I got the lecture about the potential severity of strep throat a couple times. If you don’t get it treated, then it can cause permanent damage to some of your organs, can turn into scarlet fever, or can lead to rheumatic fever.

      Anyway, that’s a moot point…, I’m so glad that you went to the doctor, and I hope that it is just a virus, and also that it passes quickly.


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