36 thoughts on “Oh, uhm… PSA

      1. tsgeisel

        Waitaminit…I was going to use that icon!

        Never mind. I’ve got other happy icons to use for this. 🙂

        Congratulations! Mazel tov! Other words of happy excitement!

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author


      Well, not really. At this point our main agreement seems to be, “If I can manage to find someone who is even half as cool as you I will consider spending some time with them. But that means I won’t be able to spend that time with you so… uhm… maybe.”

      Meaning: we are allowed to. That doesn’t mean are doing much about it.

      1. i_am_dsh

        Re: Congratulations!

        I was wondering about that…
        one of the reasons you had before for waiting to get married until after the school year was over was to avoid having the students learn a new name for you.

        Maybe we can compare notes in a few weeks about whether it’s easier to change one’s name on marriage or not.

    1. angelbob

      Nope. I mean, you saw the one of my hand. I took that today, mostly ’cause I thought it’d make for a cute post.

      However, we managed to entirely forget the camera. And the ceremony was literally just three of us – me, , and the minister. Very quick, very small. Intentionally so.


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