What the freak

All of a sudden I am getting nervous.

I don’t know why. I like flying. I am fine with flying alone. I like Julia and I am excited to see her. I have done everything I need to do. I’m even packed with more than an hour to spare!

Why am I nervous? I don’t get it. In about 9 hours I will be able to snuggle my girly. That will be lovely. Nothing nervous making in that…

I feel like I need to memorize my house and I don’t know why. I guess I could do more futzing with stuff to bring. I haven’t actually decided yet if I want to bring grading or not. I kind of think that I should give myself permission to not have to carry the *weight*. I will have more than a week when I get back to grade. I will just bring a couple of books. I am going to read Huck Finn for the first time (I’m going to teach it in about 6 weeks–I should read the freakin thing) and I should bring one or two that are just candy for me. Ok, picked them out and they aren’t pure candy but they sound good. The Bonfire of the Vanaties and Tom Jones. It’ll be good. 🙂

I’m trying to convince myself that I am independent and that I like alone time. It hasn’t worked yet.

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