Happy Holidays.

My holidays just got a hair happier when the last week and the next week were already spifftacular.

I’ve had a couple of mood slumps and weird stuff going on in my head, but I’m fighting to keep the cheerfulness. My Christmas should be absolutely rockin and I am looking forward to it more than I can express.

I have caught up on almost all of the 350 back emails I had to go through. I think I have 5 left.

I have enjoyed the time with Julia, even though I am a slug and not very entertaining. I have spent too much time online. I am looking at the time as brain de-frag. I am pretty caught up on sleep and that is awesome.

I get to trot down to NYC tomorrow and see two lovely, wonderful people. I am excited!

On Friday when I get back I am going to go see Rent with Julia and her boyfriend. That will be fun. 🙂 Then I get up early in the morning and run off to the airport!

On Saturday I fly to LA and go to DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will still be at Disneyland on Sunday and Monday!!!!!!!!
I fly home on Tuesday. I have papers to grade. Heh.

I’m pretty happy right now.

7 thoughts on “Happy Holidays.

  1. anima_fauxsis

    It’s so odd… my mother suddenly started talking about going to Disneyland while I am visiting. She never ever goes to Disneyland. Maybe we can go Saturday, if she is still in this freaky mood.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Rent was released as a movie! Silly boy…

      (And I am in Boston so you wouldn’t be able to see it if it was ‘in town’ right now anyway cause ‘in town’ would be 3,000 miles away…)


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