
Day two was really awful until about 2:00. See, I thought I crashed and burned in a horrible way during class today because the kids were quiet and apathetic and one boy was kind of snotty. Well, I managed to talk to the boy who was snotty and one other boy from class at around 2 and it turns out that the other boy thought the class was really great and the snotty boy clarified was his issue had been and he stressed multiple times that *it was not about me*. He said I did fine, he was just not into that type of writing and he is sorry he hurt my feelings.

Yay! Ok, I love this class and especially that boy.

I have a huge stack of folders to go through this weekend as I try to formulate my unit plans for the whole year. Info from other teachers you see, because my department RAWKS!!! My student teaching supervisor is being bitchy, but I am finding ways around that. I have shitloads of paperwork to do in the next few days for the district and for my department at SJSU. I also need to find time to do reading homework for my classes. Oy. OH! And the scary part is, I have to take the language exam for my MA on October 19th. You heard that right. Oh My God. I’m scared. And I have to file for graduation by the 9th of October. And I have to take the MA exams in early November. Can we say “overload”?

Yesterday I was out of the house for 11 hours. Today I was out of the house for 10 hours. I want to continue the downward trend… There is still the possibility that I am going to need to pick up another period of teaching, which will mean that I don’t do the student teaching I currently have lined up. That would suck because the teacher I am currently observing is AMAZING. She actually taught a unit for my methods of teaching English class last year and I loved her enthusiasm then.

I am busy and very stressed, but my reaction to being very stressed is to become hyper-organized. I laid all of the groundwork today and I am really excited about the challenges that this year is presenting. So far I have done fairly well in the classroom and my kids are responding well to me and are very willing to work for me. I look forward to getting to know them better in the coming weeks. It is kind of sick, but I am also kind of happy to be back on a morning schedule. I never feel as good when I am forcing my body to stay up late at night. I woke up 20 minutes before the alarm this morning. (Falling asleep at 9:20 will do that for you.) And I felt pretty good! I had a pretty high amount of energy today, which is incredible considering that I am running at a cummulative sleep dep for the week.

Now, I have used up my alloted time for decompressing (I sorta caught up on lj–love to those of you who are stressing, and there are a lot of you). Now I get to put comments on the kids in-class writing today. *beem*

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