16 thoughts on “looking at the calendar

  1. fyfer

    Your bed’s already pretty nest-like. Something about lofts always feels safe and cozy to me. Well, except the loft I had that was just barely wide enough for the twin mattress. That one was cozy, but not very safe.

      1. teamnoir

        Ah. I wasn’t thinking of those as particularly different things.

        I suppose you were simply thinking that I live further north and therefor on-the-way, perhaps.

        Somehow I’m sure you could arrange more company at your place if you want.

        1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

          I was thinking in terms of “does my bed need to be welcoming to anyone else” and not “will I be sleeping with someone.” Cause I bloody better not go a month with no sex.

          Although, at this time I see maybe four spots where I am likely to have sex. Not the end of the world, but… *sigh* I remember the good ol’ days (last summer) when it was four-six times every week! Not every month! *sigh* Oh well. I keep telling people that even my life isn’t ~always~ that busy. Maybe they will believe me now.

          1. tenacious_snail

            I understand that distinction.

            I have, in fact, had sex with more people at one of my sweetie’s houses than I have at my own. I don’t entirely think that this is a queen-size bed versus a king-size bed distinction. Though that could explain the “sleeping with more people” at that location.

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