Was not much different than I expected it to be, except for one crucial thing: mindset. I decided that I was going to not be upset about being alone. I still didn’t manage to sleep very well, but I somehow managed to not be anxious about not sleeping well. I stayed up far too late drinking copious quantities of yummy wine and wrote pages and pages of stuff. I’m well into a story and I am almost 5 pages into something that I am pondering about boundaries. I’m happy with this. It should be ready to post sometime this week. I have no idea how long it will be by then… I have actually kind of enjoyed my morning on my own. I have been extremely productive! Go me! The guest room is significantly closer to being neat and tidy. It isn’t there yet, but I’m really happy with the amount of progress. I have watched a good movie “Enough” with Jennifer Lopez, very much like “Sleeping with the Enemy.” I think Lopez did a good job. It was sad and engrossing. She murdered her husband in most devious fashion and boy did he deserve it by the end. I have listened to music and scanned lj. I haven’t been able to do as much writing as I would kind of like to (I slept a bit late and I have been working! Really! I have!) The kitchen is still a mess and my bedroom is messy and laundry needs to be put away. I have someone arriving any minute. Oy.
Tonight is Gaskell’s. I’m looking forward to it in a passive sort of way. I’m feeling stupid about some lame ass clothing issues. I feel more confident in big swishy skirts and corsets. It is a look that really works for me and I feel less secure in my appearance when I deviate from that sort of look. It is really really stupid and I know it. That doesn’t mean that all of a sudden I have loads of confidence in my looks. Ack. Oh well. I will go and I will dance and I will have fun anyway! I just am less likely to preen. heh. Probably a good thing anyway. 🙂