Yup, not doing this again.

So this afternoon I need to go in to have liver testing stuff done and get a container for a 24 hour urine catch. Apparently I’ve been shrugging things off as no big deal that could actually be a big deal. Things like blurry vision with little spots of light dancing in my vision (I knew that some vision weirdness was semi-common during pregnancy). Severe sudden lower back pain (not crampy so I figured it was just a weird thing). Headache lasting multiple days that Tylenol won’t make go away (headaches are so common in my friends group that I don’t think that much of them). Mental confusion (isn’t everyone kind of batty when they are pregnant?). Major shoulder pain (I figured this was from sleeping on my side for months). Sudden nausea in the third trimester (I thought I was just unlucky). Stomach pain after not having a problem for months (different from my normal stomach acid pain–I can’t tell if I am hungry or full my stomach just aches like mad).

Hey, when you list all this out like this it looks kind of lame that I’ve been ignoring it. Well… it was always just one thing at a time and easy to ignore…

*sigh* I still have very good blood pressure (110/60) and my weight gain is still rather moderate (less than 12 pounds at 34 weeks) so I figured everything was all good. Guess not. Time to head off to the lab. 🙁

Pregnancy sucks so very much.

6 thoughts on “Yup, not doing this again.

  1. tshuma

    Eeek. that is a lot to have pile up all once. I’m glad you are getting checked, and I hope it turns out to be something low-impact and easily remedied.

  2. blacksheep_lj

    Glad you’re getting checked out. Saw the bit about the three day headache and I was immediately a bit concerned. And noticed your midwife piped up about it. Thinking good things for you, and hoping that it turns out to be a bunch of alarming but unrelated symptoms, rather than A Problem.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Well, the weird thing is that most of these things are ‘normal’ for me. I have a lot of these problems when I’m not pregnant at least occasionally so why would they be a bigger deal while pregnant?! Sunshine says must be checked so I’m getting checked. 🙂


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