7 thoughts on “The worst luck.

  1. ribbin

    Dude, that sucks! Check around, I found a 250 gig Acer AO532h for $275 on OfficeMax.com and made them match the price. Not cheap, but relatively for what it is, not bad at all.

    Either that, or hang on until I find a real job and I’ll pass that same Acer off to you for a hefty discount.

    Good luck!

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      This is a new computer. I’ve had it for a month? Maybe two? This is pretty inexcusable in my opinion. This was an aftermarket program that HP allowed to be installed. Once my computer is functional again I’m going to be doing some research to see if this problem is happening to other people.

        1. angelbob

          It’d be hard to get a refund at this point, and replacement with another Windows-7-having with-shovelware version simply isn’t going to do us much good.

          Original Windows 7 media (not supplied) might help, but I don’t separately own it. Why would I?


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