Calli’s personality

I feel like in the last three weeks Calli went from being a cute blob with very little discernible characteristics. I.E. “Sure there are differences from Shanna because people vary blah blah blah.” Now, all of a sudden, “Holy shit! She’s a totally different person! They have very few similarities beyond drooling and waking me up at night!” Cool. Calli has tantrums. I swear to god my six month is throwing tantrums. If she doesn’t get picked up when she wants she starts screaming/crying with this look on her face and then the minute I pick her up she gives me this huge grin, “Good job Mommy! You can follow directions!” She knows she is getting her way and she smiles benevolently upon her subject. She gets furiously angry if I take something away from her, like paper. That can lead to lots of screaming and throwing herself around violently. This kid is a pistol. She has mostly stopped the army crawling but now she is backwards crawling across the house. It’s faster. I seriously have to worry about cords already.

She doesn’t like anyone but me or Shanna very much. I actually think if I could get Shanna to be more gentle that Shanna could be her touch-base person when I’m gone because they love on each other all day. Calli is very interested in going with Big Sister even when Shanna is being overly rough. I intercede for safety a lot. Shanna isn’t deliberately hurtful much. We’ve had one or two squeezing incidents. Mostly they see one another and start laughing hysterically, even if they’ve been sitting next to each other for hours. It’s really neat seeing how much they like each other so far.

Noah says Calli doesn’t smile for him the way she smiles for me. That’s kind of weird because I think her smile is like a 1,000W bulb. She lights up for me. It’s neat how I now feel like I’m living with a person with bad communication skills. That is all of a sudden true. I’m feeling increasingly invested in her and I like that. 🙂

5 thoughts on “Calli’s personality

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      I am growing to be of the opinion that this kid is going to be a fire cracker. So far she seems to be opposite from Shanna’s mild tractability. This may require new parenting strategies. 🙂

      1. krissy_fan_club

        aww . . . klaus & sonnen would sometimes look over at each other in the back seat (as baby & toddler) and just laugh and laugh. i miss that. thank you for reminding me of that.


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