And the book is gone.

I seem to have lost the poop book. Given that I’m on day 12 of solid poop and I had gluten last night… I may be just stopping. I got up to day 66 or 67.

I think that having to lawyer up just made it so that the elimination diet is too many spoons. It seems to be over for a while and I don’t have any physical or emotional ability to pursue it right now. Just… no. I am going to be completely flipping out and all of a sudden my anxiety will be spiked so high I won’t have “true” responses anyway.

Near as I can tell the main thing I did to make my body happy was fast. Next time I have multiple days of diarrhea that may play in to how I handle it. I’m also going to play fast and loose (ha-ha-ha) with anti-diarrheals now that I’ve read a bunch of books on IBS. From what I read you can pretty much live on the stuff and it isn’t a big deal.

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