
My new laptop behaved poorly today. It would not transfer the image to the projector and it is being funky about returning from sleep mode. Mother Fucker. And it won’t connect to the network at my house. It hasn’t since I got on Kevin’s network. Or rather, it gets on and then disconnects every five minutes. This means I: use Puppy’s computer (with the keyboard that seriously sucks) or I sit on the floor in the cold gun room. I am not thrilled with either option. I hate netgear.

My seniors are little bastards and I think I am going to have a pretty heavy duty drink in about five minutes.

Puppy wanted to stay at lab tonight so that he could spend the time with Ken. But that isn’t what he told me originally. Just that he though he should test run it. I feel like he isn’t being up front. Why do I have to play 20 fucking questions.

I have not gotten any packing done recently and I am upset with myself for it.

I’m actually thinking about going and looking at a bunch of apartments tomorrow and basically signing a lease and starting to move next week. This commute is just horrible. I feel like I am wasting soooo much time.

I have to do two unit plans basically within the next week. I have two new units starting in 10 days and I am freakin out. The two units are on poetry and The Mayor of Casterbridge my least favorite part of teaching English (poetry) and a book I sort of read once last year. No one else in the school has taught it before so I get to make it all up from scratch. This is good and bad.

I need to get started on my seminar paper the sooner the better. I have about a month left on that.

I have something like four books that I should read in the next two weeks.

My juniors are doing well though.

I think tonight will be lesson planning and crying.

I have these plans of being social this weekend. Uhm, it may not happen. Depends on how much I get done tonight. 🙁

One thought on “Frustration

  1. labelleizzy

    if it helps i am pretty sure i have mayor of castorbridge cliff notes…
    and I love teaching poetry and may even have some lessons packed away with last year’s stuff if you want them.


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