Today I am feeling lonely and I hate the feeling. I know it is a cycle and it will pass, but it sucks ass to be in this place.

Question: do non-crazy people have mood swings too? I don’t actually know if my level/frequency/whatever of mood swings are unusual or crazy-indicating.

I think I have to accept that I am not actually “over” some of the relationship stuff I would like to be over and that irritates me.

To counteract the crappy feelings:
I made the most kick ass curry. I rule.

8 thoughts on “RAWR!

  1. ribbin

    Beats me. My moods tend to be all over the place, but then nobody has called me “normal” or “sane” in years.

  2. rose42dance

    Swings, see-saws, slides…

    Mood swings are pretty normal for a lot of folks. They can be amplified by food, exercise, life events, allergies, how often one eats, hormones, and physiological imbalances. Try logging your moods for anywhere from one week to three months, then look back to see if there are any patterns.

  3. ef2p

    I don’t know if people consider me crazy but I certainly get them. and I occational joke that I am on the rag (bitchy, grumpy, snaps at people easily).

  4. danaoshee

    No idea, I’m crazy.

    But I will say one of my housemates, who doesn’t consider himself crazy (although he has an assortment of issues, like everyone) is a contender for most moodswings of anyone I know.

    Actually, my whole house is pretty bad. I joke that for a house with me the only girl, there is *way* too much PMS here.

  5. flyinamazon

    Beats me. I’m crazy. Swinging is part of life for me too — just a different swing than you, I think.

    And yes, curry is a good thing.


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