
In order to do what I have to do, I sometimes am not capable of doing all that I would like to do. And further: even some of what I have to do I am going to let slide for another time. I have the lesson for tomorrow done. Jesus it took hours. Tomorrow will be yet more review and games. *sigh* They are not going to be doing the test while I am gone. They aren’t ready. Instead–back to back writers workshop. It will be a break for them and easy for my sub. I’m ok with that. Then when we come back we need to finish up grammar. Woof. I am the only teacher in my department who can rattle of what a participle or a gerund is and gosh-darn-it… my students will be able to do so as well. They are SO CLOSE.

Lesson planning vague basic outline:
Wednesday- final presentation and go over the homework (ha) exercises and start working on diagraming sentences. They will get the basics of the concept tomorrow.
Thursday- play games and diagram some more. Show them how the different parts of speech really work together.
Friday- WW
Monday- WW
Wednesday- come back to YET MORE DIAGRAMMING. Oy. They will need this much practice. It’s sad. I need to find some more games for them. Any tips?
Thursday- maybe the test?
Friday- move on to poetry.

Tomorrow I have to:
pack, finish lesson plans for when I will be gone, clean cat box, deal with school stuff, take a bath. All of that is going to take way too long. *sigh*

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