Oh, I forgot to tell ya’ll!

Once again this month I am heading up to Naughty. The theme is white weddings and the organizer, a fabulous man called Random, has asked me to marry him. 🙂 I am simply tickled pink. Or white, or something like that. I would really *love* if lots of people came to this fabulous party. It really is one of my favorites in the bay area and the more the merrier. 🙂 The theme is weddings so such clothing is encouraged but NOT REQUIRED. Please don’t skip the event because you don’t want to wear something formal-ish.

Come on ya’ll you know you want to be there. Some info from the website:

What is it about weddings? All innocent and societally endorsed on the outside, but there’s definitely a creamy filling of lust and wickedness at its core.

Ever been to a bachelor party? At just about every bachelor party I’ve ever been to I found that the groom-to-be had an almost magnetic pull on all of the women wherever we went. And the bride? There’s something about that crisp, white purity and the knowledge that, later that night, she was going to be giving it up that made her incredibly desirable.

So here now is your chance. Wanna be the bride? Wanna be the groom? Wanna be the bridesmaid or groomsmen hooking up with each other or perhaps even the bride and groom themselves? Or do you want to just throw rice. Whatever way you want to go with it it’s gonna be a fun ride. We’ll start with a bachelor/bachelorette party for the first hour or two, then a wedding or three in our Vegas Elvis chapel, then the honeymoon period, followed of course by inevitable temptation, straying from the nest, angry recriminations and revenge schtupping, and the inevitable no-fault divorce at the end of the evening!

I am planning to have a lovely time and I think my friends would only add to the wonderous fun of the evening. So please, do come to my wedding. 🙂

15 thoughts on “Oh, I forgot to tell ya’ll!

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Ha. Well, if you say, “I’m with Lenora” that seems to be good enough to get as many boys as I like entry. Random is *quite* certain I will entertain any and all boys I arrange admission for. 😀

      Also to consider: The Sarah is interested in carpooling. Go discuss. 😉

  1. tshuma

    *cries* This weekend is soooo busy. But maybe. I can come by myself, right, it’s just the men that cannot (unless they know you)?


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