
Last night at Naughty was incredibly fun. It was a really small party–probably because of bridge closure and the beach event drawing off many regulars. But I still had a truly wonderful time. The wedding was silly and fun. The sex was hot. And someone brought out a nitrous canister at the end of the night. Heh. Good times. Spot (The role of Google Boy will now be filled by Spot. Long and funny story. 🙂 had a good time so I consider his first play party a success. Yay! We got home at 5. I think he got in about 3 1/2 hours of sleep before we couldn’t handle the SUPER BRIGHT LIGHT from the skylight right over us. *sigh* (I got a little more sleep because I slept on the way home.)

Today I attempted to break my sedentary pattern. I tried to run. Spot mocked the crap out of me because we were out for just over 30 minutes and only 7 minutes were spent actually running. My only consolation is that the dog I am taking care of wore out before me. HA!

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