Cause I’m a fucking bitch.

Small points of contention from the currently public narrative. Noah didn’t close any distance to you. He was 10′ away at the stove looking at you. He did not stand a foot away from you. You got up from the table and rushed him while punching your hands. He did not look at you at all until you doubled down on how you were going to threaten me whenever you wanted.

What intimidated me in the store was the fact that I asked you what you wanted and you started screaming at me that I was inappropriate and controlling and you were sick of it and you weren’t going to take that from me. (In your defense when you asked me what my plan was I shrieked “I don’t have a plan” because I had lost all ability to voice modulate.)

Given that your comparison is you weren’t as nasty with me as you were with your children and your children asked you in front of me why you hit them and then tell them they aren’t allowed to cry about it… I feel like being intimidated is reasonable.

Yeah I got nervous.

You didn’t ask me if I was going to cry. You sneered like a junior high bully, “Awwwwww you gonna cry?”

Yeah I will when someone talks to me. Fuck those white bitches.

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