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Tag Archives: christmas
Test run
I’m going to send an email to various members of my family and CC Noah’s family. I’m going for tactful. For the record, this is one of those times when I am requesting feedback/advice. (I say that to remind people in general that if I do not specifically do so, I don’t want it.)
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Stuff that needs to get to people.
aberrantvirtue we have that wireless router you said you wanted, but we haven’t seen you. We also have an American Gift Giving Holiday present for you. I would like to get this stuff delivered very soonish. When?
cyclothemia we have weird stuff from Japan for you. When can this be exchanged? Maybe Thursday at PE?
labelleizzy we have a Christmas present for you. When can this be passed along?
rose42dance we have an American Gift Giving Holiday pressie for you. Must be exchanged. When?
mzmtnlion have two pressies. Must give. When?
teamnoir have pressie. Must give. When?
loren_q see above.
i_am_dsh see above.
flyinamazon see above.
blackrose900 have shirt that will likely fit you. Is Gorgeous. Will I ever see you again?
Alright! Let the pinging begin…
Christmas Day did not end up going how I thought it would. Nevertheless it was absolutely fabulous and yummy. Mmmmm yummy.
Oh yeah, Christmas
It is in oh…54 hours. Maybe I should put more information out. Ok, so I was kicked in the backside and told to do so.
Our idea is to sit around the house and eat leftovers (no guarantee on how much food we will have), open pressies, watch silly movies, be snarky. I promise no more than this. We would like it if people did not arrive before 10. No clue as to when we will want to kick people out cause I’m on vacation and Noah took the 26th off.
Uhm… if you want to bring food/drink feel free to call and ask us what we have/don’t have. You are not required to bring food or drink, but if you whine about our lack of food I will be directing you to a local Chinese restaurant and you will be required to bring me back chow fun.
#: 510-770-1590
43167 Newport Dr.
Fremont, CA. 94538
I have 4 RSVPs so far. It would be awesome if other people would tell me BEFORE you show up.
Orphans Christmas
I’m about to be late for work, so consider this a placeholder invitiation.
If you are seeing this you are on my invite list for being welcome in our home on Christmas Day. This isn’t going to be a huge party, but I’m really into Christmas and I plan to sit around watching Christmas movies and eating yummy food and generally basking in having my first non-sucky Christmas in years and years.
You are welcome to join me. I am going to request that if you want to come over you HAVE to let me know. Maybe only the morning of, but please don’t just show up and expect us to feed you/entertain you. That would be pressure I am not ok with having on Christmas. Thank you for your consideration. (Maybe details to follow…)
Here comes Santa Clause…
Last night we were lying in bed talking about what we each want from Christmas and one of my things was that I am going to miss is watching the cartoon Christmas movies that my mom has. Noah, being Noah, said: “Hey! We could check Amazon…” Dude. I’ve never gotten out of bed so fast. I RAN to the living room and we looked up several of my favorites. We found most of them, two not being available, and I am SO excited. We are going to have the Trolls and the Christmas Express!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEE
He’s a good husband.
Speaking of Christmas: how many of you are going to be sticking around town this Christmas? Who’s going away?