Tag Archives: clothes


I have been hearing more about how people don’t wear most of their clothes and the clothes they do wear they only wear a couple of times before getting rid of it. This blows my mind. Today my toddler is wearing a shirt I bought for EC. MC wore it. Then we sent it off to the cousins and I think they each wore it at least a couple of times? I’m going to have this kid wear it until I can’t button it across her chest anymore.

One of the many blessings of moving to Scotland is I am getting a rather noticeable percentage of hand me downs back that started with EC. I’m getting all of my favorites back. And the other hand me downs are more weather/location appropriate than anything I sent over so it’s working out really well.

Because our stuff still isn’t here (GAH! I think the boat arrived last night! Progress!) I am living mostly in hand-me-downs from Jenny. I have also purchased two pairs of trousers that are more weather appropriate than anything else I owned for this area. (And a water proof pair of over-trousers.) I have a few jackets, one of which was purchased new here because I literally didn’t have anything weather appropriate. I have already worn it more times than the average number of wears for clothing?

I am very confused. How do people find the money and the time to shop? I feel dramatically inconvenienced by how often I have to enter a clothing store. I can’t imagine doing it 4 or 5 times as often. Baffling. Where do people get the money?

I do need to stop by a charity shop because YC is outgrowing the 2T stuff really quickly and her cousin is still wearing the 3T stuff. Soon they will be the same size and I can’t count on hand me downs to provide her entire wardrobe.

So I will go buy used clothing. Who in the heck needs all-new clothing?! I don’t get it. I’m also developing an interest in figuring out how to sew so that I can recycle used clothing into stuff that fits/is more my style. I can’t buy what I want off the shelf and I don’t need brand new fabric.

I want to figure out how to make skirts that are very adjustable in size. I go up and down and up and down and up and down. I don’t really want sized clothing. I used to have a wrap skirt I got from a Mennonite company. It was incredibly adjustable. The only trouble with it was that it was about 6″ too long to be serviceable for daily wear. I was not brave enough to figure out how to shorten it at that time.

Maybe I don’t want to make friends and instead I want to stay home and figure out how to do more things. I need time.

I’m not getting any younger and I totally don’t have all the skills I wish I had. Sigh. That’s life, right? Always more to learn.

Fake it till you make it?

Today I feel compelled to wear a belt because I am tired of yanking my jeans up all day long. I consider this a neutral to positive thing. I’m getting smaller slowly. I am not calorie counting in the slightest and I don’t want to. I’m mostly eating what I want. I’m trying to substitute a small amount of fat for large amount of sugar when I know I am comfort eating and that seems to make me feel ‘satisfied’ better. But when I wear a belt with these jeans I have a bulge above and below the belt. Because regardless of my overall size, I had a baby 7 months ago. My belly is very saggy right now. And I feel like I should try to hide that with some big tent-like shirt because I know those instinctive style rules. I know how to ‘slim’ my line. But I want to wear the bright purple shirt with ruffles. And it’s pretty fitted at my current size/shape.

Fuck ’em. I’m wearing the shirt.

On yet other family stuff

Noah’s mother has sent me some of the very best kids clothes we own. Really awesome stuff. I’ve been thrilled. This time… she sent jeggings. For those of you lucky enough to avoid this phenomenon: http://styletips101.com/fashion/how-to-wear-jeggings.html

I hope we ditch this ‘fashionable’ trend. I’m so not fashionable. 🙂 More smocked little girl dresses! (Uhm, in all reality I’ll randomly babble about this on lj but I certainly won’t complain because I am overall really surprised by how pleasantly things are going with Noah’s parents. This is me not rocking the boat!)

But really. Jeggings?

Body changes

I reach a stage in pregnancy where I have zero interest in having any clothing touch my skin. I’m there. I’m actually thrilled that I am going to be in late pregnancy during summer. I really really wanted to go out today in a lycra tube top and a loose skirt. That sounds like the appropriate amount of material in contact with my body. But the high is going to be 62 and there will be scattered showers. Damnit. I’m not quite warm blooded enough for that combo. Life, she is unfair. 🙂

Costuming pieces

The wondrous noirem is abandoning these parts for a minimum of three years and as a result she has decided not to keep a lot of her dress up stuff. I currently have possession of stuff. There are a few Rennaissance pieces I intend to send towards the Pryankster crowd and some Dickens Fair garb as well as more standard dress up gowns. The size range is anywhere between 16 and 20ish if you corset well. The preference would be for these items to stay within friends because, as you all know, these clothes are expensive, time consuming, and a labor of love to create. If you think you might like some of the above, please contact me. (Be advised that a few of them need a small amount of work like sewing on buttons.)

Fashion issues

I love the sundresses that are popular right now. Very long, I’m good with showing some cleavage and most importantly: the straps are adjustable. However there is one big problem with these dresses (and most of the tanktops I own) they were not cut for women with large breasts. If I wear them without a bra I am in imminent danger of falling out entirely at any second. (No really. It’s not a great thing.) If I wear a bra with them they look retarded because my bras are gi-fucking-normous in order to contain the vastness of my breasts. (Anyone who says, “but you aren’t that big” can kiss my lily white ass.) I don’t exactly appreciate having the top/dress look like little triangles floating on the sea of my bra. It’s fucking ugly and tacky.

Maybe I should have stopped watering them a long time ago.


I haven’t mentioned it, but Noah signed us up for tango lessons. 🙂 We’ve been to one so far and it’s fun.

And in other news we might just go to PEERS this weekend. Noah is more than a little into Girl Genius so the theme is too perfect. Now we have the problem of finding stuff to wear. I have Victorian garb, but I may or may not be able to get my expanded body into it. And I’ll certainly need to get my corset back from Yani before I can even try. If anyone is going or not going and they have Victorian garb for a body that is more like a size 14 could I maybe borrow it if you aren’t using it? And I have no idea what Noah is going to wear. Hmmmmm…..

Amusingly, in order to study costume stuff I had to admit that I bought him Girl Genius comics for his birthday. 🙂

Corset sale

I saw this on a mailing list:

Dear Friends,

Business in Las Vegas is devastating. Homes here are in foreclosure, all business is being affected and we need to move product to keep my manufacturing going.

Please post the blog below to every egroup and space group you can. Any effort on your part will be greatly appreciated!

Kindest Regards,




Due to current economic conditions we are liquidating our current in stock corsets and we’re having a CRAZY CORSET SALE! All of our hand crafted, steel boned, tight lacing, in stock corsets are on SALE FOR 20% TO 60% OFF! FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!

Don’t live in Las Vegas but have always wanted one of our corsets? If you have Paypal (we ship to confirmed addresses only) and want to buy a corset that is on sale, go to our website www.BadAttitude.com look through the stiles, let us know what style and size you are interested in (write info@BadAttitude.com) and we will send you a list of what is available and the temporary price. If you don’t have Paypal we will gladly accept a US Post Office Money Order or a Bank Cashiers Check. Once you decide which item you want we will send a money request, it’s that simple.

There may never be a better time to buy a Hand Made 3 Layer Construction Corset!

Remember shipping in the United States is always free!

Sorry no discounts on custom orders.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Team Bad Attitude


Please feel free to share and repost this blog!

Whine bitch moan (you’ve been warned)

Ok, so I’m having issues with clothing. As of this morning I own (for shirts) bdsm con t-shirts (not exactly universally appropriate but I’m wearing them at home and they are starting to wear out), t-shirts advertising Santa Teresa which I now feel sort of ambiguously about, tank tops, a couple of fancy shirts (velvet, lots of lace), and three snarky t-shirts rapidly on their way to wearing out (one had five noticeable holes in it the last time I looked).

But but… my body is in flux I don’t wanna spend money on clothes I won’t wear long! So I decided to STFU and went to Target and got a few shirts today. They are all very generic and plain and suitable for any and all occasions. I bought a couple new sweaters because I wear them constantly in the winter and most of the ones I own right now have large holes in them. I keep thinking I should learn how to knit well enough to fix the big holes in my sweaters, but that’s not something I am really going to do in the short term and I don’t wear sweaters anymore once I can put my fist through the hole. I also found a few pair of leggings that will allow me to wear skirts all winter long. w00t! But I feel bad about spending money on clothing. Amusingly, Noah cheers when I come home with new clothes cause it means he won’t have to hear me bitch about the holes in my clothes anymore. 🙂 I think I need to resign myself to filling out a wardrobe in this size because I plan to get pregnant again and it’s looking like I’m not going to be the sort who drops weight rapidly while breastfeeding. I should also move the things out of my closet that “will fit if I lose 10-15 lbs” because then I feel like I *have* clothes even though they don’t fit. Screw that. I need to fess up to myself that I don’t really have many clothes right now. I need to buy more so that I can put the maternity stuff away and not wear it out.

I know I whine about this regularly. I am slowly taking steps to fix the problem. I swear. It’s just hard for me. Spending money on clothing for me seems really lame for no good reason.

screw heterosexism

We were out today and we did baby clothes shopping. We found two onesies that I simply couldn’t pass up. One had a cute little baby chick and under it written “chick magnet”. The second said, “Get In Line Girls”. I figure that if these are appropriate for a boy that age they are bloody well appropriate for my daughter. 🙂

I’m in trouble.

I don’t spend a lot of time shopping/browsing online. But I hang out in some places where people do. Today the kick was long skirts. So I’m saving the links here. I would like to just casually mention that I have a birthday coming up. 🙂

http://www.shukronline.com/womens-skirts.html I’m not into the corduroy, but I love the seriously flared ones.

More squee

We just got a care package from Dad. He picked out a bunch of massively cute clothes for Shanna all in six months. Yay! At the rate she is gaining weight she will be wearing them by three months. I think we just tripled the amount of pink in the house. He sent a onesie that says, “Grandpa’s Little Princess” it makes me kind of weepy. My bio-father may be out of the picture but I’ve done well adopting dads. Such a good life.

Very silly squee

I was thinking about my paternal grandmother this morning and how I think I am looking more and more like her as I age. So I went and hunted up the only two pictures of her I have. I feel I confirmed my feeling that I look remarkably like her. These pictures were in an album with pictures of me from babyhood. Dude. I was much smaller than Shanna. Shanna at one month looks about how I looked at three months. This amuses me. In looking at these pictures I thought, “ohmygosh I had the cutest little dresses!!” Then I pondered…. “Hmmmm I know I have a box of “baby memories” that my mom put together…” I have the cutest little dresses! They are the size Shanna is wearing right now!!! I asked Noah for his opinion on whether or not I should wash the dresses and have Shanna wear them and he demonstrated that he understands the boy/girl interaction of: if you don’t have an opinion, MAKE ONE UP (preferably one that supports the desires of the girl you are talking to). Noah rocks.

I am now going to go wash the cutest little dresses ever and Shanna is going to wear them frequently in the next few weeks. Cause I bet she is only going to be able to wear them for a couple weeks. Kid’s growing really really fast. If she is still wearing 0-3 month clothes at three months I will be surprised. All of the smaller 0-3 month onesies are already getting pretty snug… in all directions. Ahhh that’s my little porker. 😀


pictures to come…

Maternity clothes

It is starting to warm up a little and I am completely sick of wearing stretch pants and t-shirts every single damn day. Maternity jeans are not terribly comfortable. I want dresses. Before you tell me ebay–I’ve looked. I don’t like the selection in my size. Which means I am looking around online because every store I walk in to has 2-3 dresses and they’re ugly. I have a pretty good idea of what styles/cuts work on my frame but I’m having trouble justifying this outrageous cost to myself. Yet… dude. Some of these are damn cute.


Dress #1 (Versatile and cute)
Dress #2 (So my style)
Dress #3
Dress #4 (Mouse over to see the other color)